What to Expect

My heart goes out to everyone who walks in my office for the first time. I can only imagine what each person must be wondering. Will I have to tell this stranger everything? Will she shame me? Is this going to be one more failed conversation about everything I’m doing wrong? What if things just get worse? What I see is intense bravery and a commitment to each other and to healing what hurts. That’s impressive. What you can expect is to meet online with someone who cares about you and your relationship and has the tools to help. I will use all of my training and clinical experience to work with you so that you fully understand how you’ve gotten where you are so that you can start to heal each other and get back to the safe relationship you need. We’ll start by talking about what you are hoping will happen as a result of working with a therapist, and I’ll take notes that you can see anytime. We’ll be working as a team. You’ll leave with an education about yourself and your partner as well as a wealth of information about the best and latest research related to healthy relationships.

Setting an Appointment

To set an initial appointment for therapy or to inquire about speaking engagements, please email [email protected]

The following link is the scheduling site for current clients:

Existing Clients

To participate in Seminars and Gottman Therapist training, click here.